Products & Services
With 30 years experience as a psychotherapist teaching, coaching and speaking to over 300,000 direct selling professionals throughout the U.S., Pat Pearson, MSSW and Pearson Presentations brings to client companies a breadth of experience and depth of knowledge specific to their businesses and to the people who make them successful.
Seminars & Workshops
Pat Pearson, M.S.S.W. offers dynamic, life and behavior changing seminars and workshops ranging from keynote speeches for national and international conventions to intensive small group trainings. Thirty years of in-depth experience working with the top direct selling companies in America, combined with her experience as professional therapist, has built a body of unparalleled knowledge and understanding of the world of direct selling. A speaker that not only inspires, but engenders real change, is the goal of every forward-thinking organization.
Contact us for more information on seminars and workshops.
“How The Best Become Better” Audio of the Month Series
This popular series focuses on psychological success. “How you run your life is how you run your business.”
The programs address issues regular sales and motivational training does not, the hidden sabotages that keep your people “stuck.”
The Audio of the Month Series has proven to be an invaluable tool for growth and development in several top direct selling companies. The Series offers practical information that is readily understood and easily implemented.
With topics that address the specific issues of creating and running a successful home-based business, and the psychological issues that block success, the audio series has become a “must-have” for thousands.
Pearson Presentations offers several options for companies interested in incorporating the Audio of the Month Series into their training and development plans:
Customized Audio of the Month Programs
Pearson Presentations has created a customization program for direct selling companies desiring training materials specific to their own company programs and policies. Each month, the company provides one or two individuals with expertise on the specific topic for that month. The audios are produced and customized with the company’s logo. The company pre-orders in bulk at a discounted price, then resells to their members,generating a new stream of revenue and providing members with educational and inspirational information that helps build a stronger organization.
Costs involved in the customization are determined prior to production, and with a minimum purchase required.
Company Resale of Audio of the Month Series
Under this plan, the company purchases the Audio of the Month series for resale to its representatives. The audios feature Pat Pearson, MSSW and a number of experts in their respective fields such as psychologists, entrepreneurs, business leaders, etc., plus testimonials from highly successful direct selling professionals who are leaders in the top companies in the field.
The company purchased the audios (CDs and tapes are both available) in bulk and resells to their representatives, generating a potentially lucrative revenue stream and providing valuable tools for growth.
Company Promotion of Audio of the Month
Pearson Presentation works with the direct selling company to promote the sale and use of the Audio of the Month to members. The representatives become customers of Pearson Presentations, with the benefit to the direct selling company being the increased performance of the members. There is no revenue to the company.
Pearson Presentations greatly prefers the “win/win” of working directly with the company to create both a more successful sales force and a new source of revenue for the company.
Pearson Psychological Training Tools
Pat Pearson, MSSW has created training tools that address the specific psychological issues and conflicts that hold many people back in their quest for success.
Stop Self- Sabotage Audio Series
Given the basic tools of intellect, energy and opportunity, self-sabotage is the primary reason for failure in most situations. Messages from our past have created psychological blocks that create self -sabotage.
Self- sabotage is particularly present in women, the core constituency of many direct selling companies. Messages about limitations, fears of rejection, and concerns about stepping out of traditional roles in relationships all combine to keep women from the success they deserve.
Stop Self- Sabotage addresses many of those issues and more, and helps the individual to identify specific events, and negative beliefs that hold back success in many areas of life.
People Smart Audio Series
The psychological term, “Rescue Triangle,” describes a relationship in which individuals play certain roles: persecutor, victim, rescuer. In many mentor relationships the “rescuer” takes on too much responsibility for others’ success and winds up feeling frustrated, used and exhausted. The “victim” is under-responsible, looking for easy outs and for someone else to take care of them, and the “persecutor” is the angry, fed-up version of the “rescuer,” who attacks, then feels guilty and returns to the role of rescuer. This endless triangle is played out again and again in the direct selling industry as leaders recruit, rescue and become frustrated with their “rescue-e.” People Smart addresses these issues head-on, with practical advice and examples of how to escape the “Rescue Triangle” and have straightforward mentoring relationships with all team members.
People Smart is a must-have for anyone wanting to build a strong and successful team.
Customized Training Tools
The book and audio series can be customized with a message from the head of the company, company logo, and an appendage of “success stories” from company insiders. The company would purchase the materials for resale to members, creating new revenues. A minimum purchase would be established based on the company’s requirements.
Purchase for Resale
As with the Audio of the Month, the company can purchase the existing book and audio series in bulk for resale to members. Under this plan, several options are available for external customization of the products, such as inserts, imprints and the like. Minimum quantities are required for any customization.
Promotion to Membership
As with the Audio of the Month, direct selling companies can promote the Pearson Psychological Training Tools to their representatives to ensure that they are purchasing products proven to increase productivity. The individuals would become customers of Pearson Presentations, and the company would not share in revenues.
As with the Audio of the Month Series, Pearson Presentations would like to work with your company to both provide proven training tools and generate new revenues for you.
Expert Consulting Services – Business Coaching
For some time Pat Pearson, MSSW has met with direct selling professionals in a small group environment to discuss in depth the psychological issues affecting success. Members of these groups, currently held in Southern California and in Dallas, Texas, report extraordinary breakthroughs in their own performance, and as a result, the performance of their teams. Additionally, Pat offers individual coaching by phone, working with dozens of people each month to focus on specific blocks to success.
Pearson Presentations can work with your company to develop business coaching groups on the phone.
These services will include the following:
- Six session contract for psychological services, renewable every six months
- 1 group coaching session a month for one hour each (with no more than 8 people in each group). These group sessions are confidential, and once you are in a group, you stay within the times scheduled for your group. You are charged upon commitment whether you attend or not.
- Each individual involved will receive an audio of the month subscription for as long as the contract continues, beginning the month of the signed contract.
- Each individual will be included in our monthly Teleseminar session.
- Each individual will receive a copy of the “Party with a Purpose” book
After six sessions you can be confident that your psychological understanding of yourself and your people will significantly improve. This understanding can then be translated into increased sales and recruiting.