You Deserve The Best
If you are not happy with the life you are living, you are self-sabotaging. Are you making the money you want? Are your relationships what you intend them to be? Is your health where you want it? If not, you are sabotaging yourself. Pat Pearson, MSSW has found what you create in life is determined largely by what you think you deserve. This program focuses on the psychology of “Deserve Level” and teaching you how to stop sabotaging and create the life you deserve.
Resilient Leadership
Many professionals enter their business on an emotional high and end up on an emotional low. How can you keep them feeling good and making money? This seminar will address all the powerful emotions that can get in the way of obtaining and keeping success in your business. Pat will provide tools to deal with disappointment, hurt and rejection, and the action steps necessary to move through them and stay productive. Learn the skills to help you and your team become emotionally resilient and truly achieve at new levels with Pat’s tested program.

Stop Sales-Sabotage
Are your team members making all the money they need and want? Are they producing to their potential? If not, they are sabotaging their sales. Pat has found that what you create in life is determined largely by what you think you deserve. Most sell what they expect to sell; no more and no less. If they aren’t selling enough, they are unconsciously sabotaging their efforts. When you and your associates learn the psychology of “Deserve Level”, the team can stop sabotaging and increase sales. In this program, Pat focuses on the “inner sell” of believing in your abilities and shows your team how to choose a new level of sales success.
People Smart: Who Motivates The Motivator?
Motivating and keeping people producing at high levels is a constant challenge. This program focuses on increasing performance in two specific areas: work productivity through effective communication and how to help someone without getting involved in the problem. This seminar provides attendees with new tools for life and business.